Yep. They are our faces! Beautifully drawn by the very talented and awesome Karina Fraser. You should also know that these wonderful pieces of art and many others are on display at The West End Centre, Aldershot, UK. The exhibition runs from Monday 12th Sept – Thurs 29th Sept.
Be excellent to each other!
PS. We are still here and working hard on new material but more on that soon.
So in a few weeks time, we’ll be taking another quick break from writing to play this awesome show with our bros in Heights & Welcome the Howling Tones. It’s the launch night for Heights fantastic new record. We’ll also be attempting to play some new stuff for you. Event info here.
Local chums, our dear friend, the very talented Kev Munday is holding a Solo Exhibition at the West End Centre this month. Go check it out, more information here.
Thanks to everyone that made it down to this special show. What a night! Special thanks to the West End Centre crew, Our chums Welcome the Howling Tones and Mr Jamie Lenman & his band. More photos can be found here.
It is almost the weekend and this Saturday we’ll be rocking the West End Centre with our chums Welcome the Howling Tones & Mavic Chen. Doors are at 8pm, more info here.
Oh! & here is the third video/track from our free session EP, the 589 Live Session. Available now on free download from www.rhodamay.com/589. Sharing as always is appreciated.
So here is our next show. It’s with our very talented chums, Welcome the Howling Tones. If you don’t already know who they are, you should go check them out. More info on the event can be found here.