Thanks to everyone that made it down to the show yesterday. Special thanks for Laura, James and their team, Welcome the Howling Tones , Heights & twothirtytwo.
Photo credits: Jayne Bradd.
More show news from us tomorrow.
We are very please to announce we’ll be playing this show next month. FB event info here.
Thanks to Jay Hampshire at Hit The Floor Magazine for all the kind words about our show with Heights & Welcome the Howling Tones a few weeks back. Also thanks to everyone that made it down!
You can check out the review here.
So in a few weeks time, we’ll be taking another quick break from writing to play this awesome show with our bros in Heights & Welcome the Howling Tones. It’s the launch night for Heights fantastic new record. We’ll also be attempting to play some new stuff for you. Event info here.
Thanks to everyone that made it down to last nights Progressive Promotions show at The Back Room in Guildford. Epic sets from our chums OPUS (band) & Heights. Also go check out White Moth Black Butterfly if you haven’t already. More show news soon. We’ll leave you with this short video clip from last night.
Here is the next show and we get to share the stage once again with our talented prog chums Heights & OPUS (band).
White Moth Black Butterfly are headlining.
(Dan Tompkins, Ex-TesseracT solo project).
More info here.