The 589 Live Session we recorded at The Rooms Rehearsal Studios with Kinetic Audio is one year old today.
Our first physical release, ‘Rhoda May – Sessions’ is out Monday January 6th. The EP includes both live sessions we recorded this year, the second of which is featured below.
It is almost the weekend and this Saturday we’ll be rocking the West End Centre with our chums Welcome the Howling Tones & Mavic Chen. Doors are at 8pm, more info here.
Oh! & here is the third video/track from our free session EP, the 589 Live Session. Available now on free download from www.rhodamay.com/589. Sharing as always is appreciated.
Here is the second track from our free EP, the 589 Live Session. Available now on free download from www.rhodamay.com/589.
Our second record filmed & performed live in its entirety. Here is the 589 Live Session. Available now on free download @ www.rhodamay.com/589 & iTunes, Spotify & others. Sharing much appreciated.