Another live demo we recorded back in November 2015 in preparation for the next record.
Sorry we’ve not posted anything in so so long. No Rhoda May news yet. Life just keeps getting in the way. However, Will has been writing and recording over the past few years. It’s not instrumental but some of you might dig it. Give it a spin!
It can also be found on Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play and all the popular music streaming services. Just search “Absence & Presence”
Album illustration by the amazing Karina Fraser.
Yep. They are our faces! Beautifully drawn by the very talented and awesome Karina Fraser. You should also know that these wonderful pieces of art and many others are on display at The West End Centre, Aldershot, UK. The exhibition runs from Monday 12th Sept – Thurs 29th Sept.
Be excellent to each other!
PS. We are still here and working hard on new material but more on that soon.
Check out Will on the DJ Force X Podcast this week! Link here.
Well it’s been a fun little run of shows these past few weeks, we’re now retreating to try and record something new. Special thanks to The Rooms Rehearsal Studios, The Star Inn, Rockbitch Music, Sanctuary Live UK, The BOILEROOM, Progressive Promotions for having us yo! until next time.
It’s The Rooms Rehearsal Studios 15th Birthday Party this Saturday and we’ll be playing a free show at The Star Inn in Guildford to celebrate! It’s fancy dress too? More info here.